Jesus instructed us to go into all the world and make disciples. How can one meet ones spiritual needs until first meeting the physical ones? Twice a year we go to provide a touch from God through medical care and education. This entails recruitment and training of teams, collection and purchase of medical supplies and medication, and the spiritual development/mentoring of team members. You can partner with us through prayer, financial support and volunteering your time to go and serve others. You do not have to be medically trained to be a part of what God is doing internationally, there is a job and a place for everyone.
"I never felt like God had called me to be a witness internationally or that He had given me any special talents. Then the opportunity came to go to Haiti to provide basic healthcare in places where none was available. It only took one trip to fall in love with a people and culture so very different than my own. A place where life is simple but hard, where nothing is taken for granted and life is precious. I realized God HAD given me skills, resources and most of all compassion. This journey has drawn me into a closer relationship with my heavenly father and changed my life. "
Donna Poole
President, CaMp Global Ministries